Jump over the sheepPlace: Spain

Form of organisation: entire group

Materials: none

Description of the game:


The main character, called the "dumb sheep", jumps over a living obstacle - where there is always plenty to laugh about! One child plays the dumb sheep.

Depending on how old and big you are, you can position yourself at different heights, for example such as for leapfrog or the mutton jump. It is recommended to kneel on the ground and form a low-lying obstacle if smaller children are playing. The first player approaches and jumps over the obstacle, whereby he demonstrates some "stunts” e.g. he may perform a few somersaults during the run up or run in zigzag up to the obstacle ... - Let your imagination run wild! It gets even funnier when we play with several sheep who line up one behind the other in a row! There is no winner, in fact all that matters is that the jumper has fun, agility and imagination!